Indian Mound Ranch is a family owned and operated business that strives to produce the very best Hereford genetics. Lee Haygood is the fourth generation on the ranch that was founded by his great grandfather in the mid 1880’s. Today Lee, along with his wife Jacqui and sons Luke and Mark operate the ranch.
Indian Mound Ranch mixes traditional ranching with cutting edge technology to produce fault-free and functional cattle. The cowherd runs on range country with minimal feed just as a commercial herd would be managed. Each year a substantial number of heifers and cows are bred A.I. and the most select cows are put into the embryo transplant program where 20 to 30 embryos are implanted annually. The herd bulls that are turned out on the cowherd are the top bulls raised at the ranch or purchased from the most respected cowherds in North America. The cows are culled rigidly and none are spared if they have a problem. Any functional problem, being open or producing low performance calves will assure that a cow is culled from the operation. Strict culling keeps the cowherd moving in the right direction and assures customers that only the best cattle are offered for sale.
The bulls that are offered for sale are held to the same high standards. The bulls are fed a 20 percent range cube at a minimal rate, usually about 5 pounds per day. Unlike many bull development tests we don’t overfeed and keep the bulls in a pen. The IMR feed test is simple and identifies bulls that can thrive and perform on the range with minimum inputs. Don’t worry, however, the bulls are not thin when sold, they are in great working condition and never fat. IMR bulls are expected to work hard for our customers and thrive in commercial conditions.
Indian Mound Ranch collects all data possible to assure accurate EPD’s. The following measurements are taken: birth weight, calving ease score, cow udder score, weaning weight, chute disposition score, cow weight, cow body condition score, yearling weight, yearling scrotal and yearling carcass ultrasound for rib eye, marbling and fat thickness. At IMR you will find sound, functional and high performing cattle. Visitors are always welcome, so if you are passing through the Texas Panhandle give Lee a call for your personal tour of Indian Mound Ranch.

Contact Us
Lee and Jacqui Haygood
923 Hillside Ave.
Canadian, Texas 79014
Cell: 806-323-2906